Denis' Micro Blog

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A place to share my smaller thoughts...

Amsterdamse Vervoer

August 26, 2023 |

Hey hey everybody,

hope you're doing well on this magnificent day.

Well... You might've noticed that I haven't been posting for a minute.

The reason for this is I've been moving to Amsterdam for my future Master's degree.

So for the past few days, I've been (with the help of... Read more

Superchargin' everything...

August 17, 2023 |

Hey hey everybody.

Hope you're doing well on this beautiful day.

So for today, I wanted to talk about a little design trick, which I first learned from the book "Refactoring UI".

This is a basic list... Looks fine, I guess...
It's just a list. Nothing really out of the ordinary.

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August 12, 2023 |

Good day,

hope you're well for today.

For this one, I want to do something a bit different, than usual. Music.

Well... If you had the honor of being around withme, you may have had the "pleasure" of me asking to for some musical recommandations. Any song, whatever you currently feel like. Most of... Read more

Splitting lists up...

August 8, 2023 |

Okay okay,

this is the second time in a row, where I am doing something list/productivity related.

But bear with me... I guess, when you're reading this rather, at best, mediocre blog, then you have to do this a lot, but you get what I mean.

I don't have to explain that I am an avid user of TODO... Read more

Crossing things out...

August 4, 2023 |

Ahoy, everyone

hope you're doing well. ❀️

So for today, I want to talk about TODO lists, specifically what you write into them. TODO apps, habit trackers, and all of that stuff are pretty useful, but you have to fill it with the correct stuff. The stuff you need to do, the stuff you aspire to do, to become a... Read more

Can you fake me?

July 31, 2023 |

Hey hey.

Hope you're doing well.

So for today, I played around a bit with ChatGPT, and I wanted to see... Okay. Can I automate this blog-writing process more convincingly compared to "write a blog post on X"?

TLDR. Not really.

Long version:

Since I have written quite a few blog posts by now, I... Read more

Some book recommendations...

July 26, 2023 |

Hey hey,

hope you're doing well. ❀️

For today, I thought I wanted to do something different. Since I've been building a habit of reading (mostly informative) books for... ehrm... I think over a year for every day, let's give some recommendations with some personal comments on each of those. So, there... Read more

Injecting Dependencies

July 22, 2023 |


So the origin of this one is me, using this concept way too much than usual, and I felt like writing. πŸ˜…

While looking around on the web, I found a really funny quote from James Shore,... Read more

Quantifying Readability

July 14, 2023 |

Hey hey,

hope you're doing so far. <3

So for today, I got something a bit different, but hopefully still interesting for y'all.

Readability. What does that mean though?

Let's take this paragraph, for example.

The fox walks across the forest path. It looks around, trying to find... Read more

git bisect bad 😈

July 9, 2023 |

Okay, so you got a bug somewhere.

The tests are all red, and it happened a while back in your commit history, but you can't exactly pinpoint the precise moment.

Inhales... FUUUUUUUUU....

But what do we do now? Well... The faint of heart would now go back to the latest state where... Read more

Too many emojis bro... ✨

July 8, 2023 |

Welcome to the world of AutoHotKey's emoji wizardry!Β 

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Haute Couture isn't always the most useful...

July 6, 2023 |

Welcome fellow fashionistas,

while today I don't want to talk about the latest and greatest from Balenciaga or Versace, but rather the practicality of the latest and greatest of different software libraries/toolkits.

Well. Think of it, sometimes, the shiniest thing in the world of software isn't the best tool to... Read more

Self-Testing your way around...

July 4, 2023 |

Good day, good day.

Hope you are doing well on this beautiful day. ❀️

Well... If you're a developer, you might recognize this scenario.
You finished up your piece of code. (Or you haven't even started yet, for all of you TDD freaks... 😝)
And then you really wanna rather do the "real programming". But... Read more

The wonders of git patches

June 27, 2023 |

Ahoy everybody,

hope you're doing well today.

Well... For this one, I got a somewhat practical guide for something which isn't too often talked about.

Git's patch system.

Little TLDR for those of you who don't know what I am talking about.

Basically, they allow you to take differences... Read more

String dbUsername = "myuser"

June 24, 2023 |

Hey hey,

hope you're doing well today.

For this one, I got a little quick "tip" for you, which I read again from the book "The Pragmatic Programmer".

The title of this blog post gives you a bit of a hint but it's about supplying your specific application data via metadata files. This can be plain text,... Read more

The owl demands its sacrifice.

June 23, 2023 |
Okay... So a while back, I started to learn a new language using Duolingo. Now, a few days ago, I managed to do this... Read more

Do you really know your requirements?

June 12, 2023 |

Hey everyone.

So... Recently I read a quote from the book "The Pragmatic Programmer". I went a little bit like this...

Programmers help people understand what they want.

I simply have to say... Yes.

okay, that's it for today, see ya...

Just kidding. Still, I... Read more

Source-Controlling everything

June 11, 2023 |

What's up, everybody.

Hope you're doing well today. ❀

Well. I think I made my point in all of my previous blog posts clear. I am a Software Developer. That should shock exactly no one at this point.

One thing that we developers do is use something calledΒ aΒ Source Control System (in... Read more

Writing tips, feat. AI.

June 6, 2023 |

Hey hey, my fellow enjoyers of bad blog posts.

So, the idea of letting AI, especially ChatGPT, write up blog posts isn't something new or novel.

For today, I wanted to try out this uncreative concept. Why? I feel like I can at least improve slightly in my ability to writing a mediocre blog. So let's... Read more

Damn... My tracer-code missed again...

June 5, 2023 |

Hello, hello everyone.

Hope you're doing well so far. 😁

Well... For today I got another cryptic blog title and another development topic for you. Tracer code.

A few years back, a work colleague gave me the following tip.

Always be ready to show off your stuff... You never know... Read more

Orthogonal lines and software systems...

June 2, 2023 |

Ahoy landlubbers.

Today I want to talk about... What? Orthogonality? Well... Not the one which you know from Mathematics. No, no.

We're still talking about Software Engineering here. To explain it... Let's look back for a second.
In Mathematics this concept... Read more

The what is what of that to have...

June 1, 2023 |

Okay. So you might be thinking. What is going on with that title?

I just wanted to talk about very commonly used words that you and I write/say every day and their synonyms.

All of those words in the title are in that prestigious list and I couldn't come up with something actually sensible. πŸ˜…

I think... Read more

Don't repeat yourself

May 31, 2023 |

Hey hey.

So for today, I wanted to "reiterate" a basic "principle" I encountered quite a lot today.

DRY. Don't repeat yourself.

The basic principle behind this is to remove any unnecessary redundancy and have most of your knowledge in one place.

This has the advantage that in case of any... Read more

Criticize what you read...

May 30, 2023 |

Ahoy, everyone.

Well... I think most of you know this scenario.
You're reading something, doesn't really matter what it is, and notice some factual mistakes in it.

This can happen either with or without any bad intentions behind it.
There are more than enough scenarios for this. Outdated information, the... Read more

Are your goals really lived?

May 28, 2023 |


hope you are doing well today.

Well. For today I wanted to talk a bit about UX maturity though. While I thought about it, I might as well extend it out to general goal "culture" or willingness to achieve your goals.

So, I guess I'm starting out with UX maturity first. πŸ˜…

Generally,... Read more

Don't be afraid to refactor

May 27, 2023 |

Hello, hello everybody.

Hope you are doing well today.

Well, today I want to talk a bit about refactoring and a thing I experienced today and also read again from a book called "The Pragmatic Programmer".

A lot of developers have a bit of fear, when it comes to refactoring their, especially other people's... Read more

Provide options, not lame excuses

May 25, 2023 |

Ahoy, everyone.

so recently I began reading "The pragmatic programmer", and I've been learning a lot of smaller little tips throughout so you might hear that tagline more than once. πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

This one was a "lesson" I learned first from my dad and got reminded of today. So thanks, Dad.... Read more

My Love-Hate relationship with LinkedIn

May 24, 2023 |

Hey hey...

today I just want to vent a little bit about my love-hate relationship with LinkedIn. I don't really know why this is the case for me, but I just feel this way.

Well... First of all, I'm not a huge fan of social media in general. It offers a lot, even some great things to learn if you look in the right... Read more

A cautionary tale on internal communication...

May 22, 2023 |

Hey hey. πŸ‘‹

So for today, I've got a little tale on miscommunication for you. I think I need to censor this though... But I believe it's interesting nevertheless.

So... A while back, I applied for something, and everything went as expected, nothing out of the ordinary.
But after a while, I needed to... Read more

A super basic guide to "nohup"

May 20, 2023 |

Hey hey,

hope you are doing well today. 😊

Well, this wasn't the first time I used this little command but I simply used it again today and even learned something new in this domain. Therefore I thought to myself... Let's write a guide for today, especially since my "personal method" took a bit of... Read more

Job workflows might vary...

May 19, 2023 |

Hey hey.

Hope you are doing well today. 😁

A few days ago, I talked with some ex-university friends and at one point a conversation about our very different workflows as Software Developers.

It was really interesting to hear much that all varied, from basically just talking with their team to a... Read more

The PC setup stick

May 16, 2023 |

Hey hey. 😊

So, a few days ago I bought a new laptop. As of now, I'm pretty happy with it.

You all know the problem though if you bought a new computer. The setup. It isn't really that hard or dreaded. The main problem is rather that you always miss something and need a few days of general usage... Read more

What are you waiting for?

May 15, 2023 |

Hey hey.

Hope you're doing well.

Today I wanna give you a little PSA on procrastination. Without further ado... Let's go.

For the past few days, I've been procrastinating on something pretty important. I really wanted to do that as soon as possible, and it was getting in my head. Anxiety and fear... Read more

The triangle rule

May 13, 2023 |


Sometimes I'm a bit of a hobbyist game developer and do my fair bit of things in there if I feel like it and have some time. Which sadly isn't too often these days... But still. πŸ˜…

So yeah, it's the reason why I'm always interested in this domain and learned something today. The so-called... Read more

Thoughts on human capital

May 12, 2023 |

Well, hello there.

Today, I wanna share some random thoughts I have on human capital.Β Why? I don't even know, okay...

I think start with a definition on that one since not all of you might know what's actually entitled to this. So let's get on the same page.

Human... Read more

Do you really need a webcam?

May 4, 2023 |

Hey hey...

So. I'm a bit of an advocate for using your pre-existing tools to solve a problem instead of instantly going out and buying something.Β 

Is it stingy? Maybe a bit? But I see little reason when you've got something that does the job adequately.

Okay. The title. Well... I don't own a... Read more

Read it out!

April 27, 2023 |

Hey hey.

Hope you're doing well. ❀

So today, I've been writing up some stuff again and wanted to share a simple little trick that not too many people do.

That is reading out your texts aloud. I mean... Have you ever caught someone doing that?

Well, the reason is simple. If... Read more

Automation isn't always better

April 25, 2023 |

As a software developer, I notice quite often the intrinsic motivation of my peers to automate even the smallest tasks.

Oh... I have to type this similar thing 3 times I have to execute this workflow 5 times... Let's automate that... I don't wanna do this by hand.

What happens after this... Read more

πŸ‘» You can't see... the verbs?

April 24, 2023 |

Originally I wanted to obscure the title even more, but then I thought... This way literally no one can predict today's topic... I'd rather NOT do that...

Camouflaged verbs. That's the theme.

You might be thinking...Β What are those mysterious verbs you're talking... Read more

The choice is smaller than you think...

April 23, 2023 |

I think y'all know that feeling quite a bit.

You're standing in front of a giant shelf with a hundred variations of the same product. You can't decide and you're in awe of all the different options.

At first glance, this seems to be the case for a lot of different things, but I beg to differ.... Read more

Waiting for Godot

April 19, 2023 |

You know those kinds of days...

You can't really do anything at work because of some major obstruction. Also, you can't leave 6 hours early, so what do you do?

Well... Should've prepared in advance.

Those days always come a bit unexpected, which is why I'd like to put off work that can be done... Read more

Why I have a pink mouse cursor πŸ–±

April 18, 2023 |

Okay, so you may be thinking.Β Why? Whhhyyy?

Well. One simple reason. Contrast.

I don't know if this is just me or if this is a general thing. Personally, I get my mouse cursor lost quite a lot. some of you may be even more weirded out by now... πŸ˜…

Especially when a lot is going on this... Read more

The hype is real

April 17, 2023 |


I'm not talking about any hype/trendy topic going around but rather my new "Hype Playlist". 🎢

Lately, I've been creating different song playlists for different moods and especially today it came to good use, after some fearful panic.

With this, I could just turn on the playlist, and... Read more

Big organizations are like oil tankers...

April 12, 2023 |

Today, I haven't got much but a single anecdote/"quote" which felt relatable...

Maybe you find that also interesting.

Big organizations have the intrinsic motivation to deliver a consistent output from a given input. If new input is given, then organizations have to increase variety. This stands in direct... Read more

A guide to the "Memento" pattern

April 10, 2023 |

Hey heeey...

hope you are doing well today. β™₯️

Today I wanna show you something more "theoretical", a neat little design pattern called the "Memento" pattern.

Ever wondered how an "undo" function is done in a somewhat professional program? Well... This is how. (I mean... There... Read more

How to solve the Pyraminx

April 9, 2023 |

Good day everyone,

for today I wanted to do something different and want to show you how to solve the Pyraminx puzzle. It's a twisty puzzle similar to a Rubik's Cube but in a pyramid shape.

It's surprisingly simple and yeah... I know... There are 5 billion tutorials out there. Still, I wanted to share... Read more

Gray text on colored backgrounds = bad

April 8, 2023 |


For today I got a quick little design tip for you to share.

Usually, you want some grayish-colored text on white background. This way the text doesn't look so harsh to your eyes and de-emphasizes it a bit from more important elements.

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A small intro to Mutation Testing

April 7, 2023 |


Recently, I've been refreshing my knowledge of various testing methodologies. Therefore, you get for today an introduction to Mutation Testing, as a way to brain dump.

Okay. Let's get started. πŸ˜…

We start with the following example. We have a small class with only one method that takes two integers... Read more

Some practical TOEFL tips...

April 6, 2023 |

Well... In January this year, I did a TOEFL test because I needed a certain English level for university studies.

Luckily, I managed to do so on my first attempt, not only due to the additional stress in this scenario but also the extra cost. Bye bye money...

I got a 104/120 (Reading: 25/30, Listening:... Read more

My most useful AutoHotkey shortcuts...

April 5, 2023 |

IΒ love AutoHotkey.

It basically enables you to do (nearly) anything on an OS level using a keyboard shortcut. That's super super useful, especially if you have longer, more complex actions.

So I wanted to share some of the most useful shortcuts, which I use in my daily life. (In no particular... Read more

If you want something... Just ask for it.

April 4, 2023 |


I really hate myself for doing these pseudo-preachy posts back-to-back but it feels like the best/most relevant thing I could share, which happened today.

I had a situation in which I was a bit anxious due to some random consequence. This stuff really messes your mind and your brain basically turns off at... Read more

Just believe...

April 3, 2023 |

I know... I know...

This sounds a bit cheesy and clichΓ©e but I wholeheartedly believe in believing yourself to achieve your goals.

Well... Sometimes in life if you wanna something you have to work to achieve your dreams.

But a little bit of self-belief doesn't hurt and helps you stay motivated in the... Read more

Animating is hard

April 2, 2023 |


For a while I've been working on a pixelart animation for a while.

It has this cool "jungle vulcano"-vibe going on and will be probably about 20 frames long. Why? Why not, I tell you.

Here's a frame from that animation btw. πŸ˜‰

subject to change

Read more

QR-Codes and social life

April 1, 2023 |


Did some random stuff today. The most interesting one is finishing up a blogpost on QR-Codes and other 2-dimensional codes. Link to the post.

It was really interesting reading up on QR-Codes, data matrixes and these Nintendo E-Reader... Read more

My first post 😁

March 31, 2023 |

Okay... After the typical deployment hassle, I finally deployed this thing...

Every time I forget this type of stuff, with the DNS entries and the general setup of this tool. Nevertheless, this served as a great reminder, so thanks...Β I guess

What is this, you may be asking yourself.

This is my... Read more